Tuesday, August 9, 2011

IF: Imperfect

This is the only illustration I am going to do this month only because I will be traveling the rest of the month. This illustration came to me while sitting outside and listening to the birds. I thought what would happen if a bird hit the wrong note.
Sorry not as epic as my other illustrations but it made me laugh.

But be excited come this September I will be back doing sequential illustrations and I am also planning on starting a new comic and so I will be posting the character designs for it coming soon.


  1. you really shouldn't apologise for submitting such a great illustration... the colour tones are beautiful and the idea is great... they never hit dud notes do they? though living in Australia i have to say the kookaburras are a bit odd to listen to
    great work

  2. nice composition love the idea

  3. I like the expression on Bird Junior. Very telling.
